Cancer Crawl 27 Feb 25
It’s been an up and down ride on the fatigue train. (And my thumb is still numb so sorry for typos.). When it’s total, it’s total. Yesterday I was so tired for parts of the day that I had to settle down before I could fall asleep. probably a stew of sedatives from vomiting on Monday and steroids in my system. Often it’s just sleep–16 hours or thereabouts. Last night I was up listening to music for a couple chunks of time. I remember the distinct feeling of “my god, I’m. having an actual thought right now.” I still remember the thought but don’t quite have it in me to explain–nor is it that interesting except in its thoughtness. Other things I want but do not offer: to play some music (maybe next week?); to read the paper. Right now my only goal is getting to radiation every day.. 3 to go including today.