“What’s a Guggenheim?” (aka the promised good news post)

So this post echoes my insane fall of applications post.  First of all: probably nobody should ever apply for 11 things like I did.  But it was a hell of a good year professionally.  Tl;dr:  we will be in two places next year. Carrie will be based at the Center for Advanced Studies in Behavioral …

Cancer and Concussion Crawl, 24 April 2024

If you’re just joining the show in progress, I’ve been on a tyrosine kinase inhibitor since 2019. It’s kept the spots in my lungs from growing, with side effects that the medical documents call “tolerable.” The good news it mostly works. The bad news is that it mostly works: one of the spots has decided …

Sabbatical Fellowships, or My Semester of Applying for Stuff

This term has set a personal record for me: 11 applications for things. Eleven. Let me tell you about them. Sabbatical (Are you a US citizen working a contingent academic job? Scroll down for an interesting opportunity that not a lot of people in my world seem to know about). I’m up for sabbatic leave …