“What’s a Guggenheim?” (aka the promised good news post)

So this post echoes my insane fall of applications post.  First of all: probably nobody should ever apply for 11 things like I did.  But it was a hell of a good year professionally.  Tl;dr:  we will be in two places next year. Carrie will be based at the Center for Advanced Studies in Behavioral …

Crappy American Monochrome Paper Money

The title says it all. As my mom pointed out to me, American money now has some color variation in different denominations. But looking down into my wallet, all I see is a sea of green. Like those grass lawns that shouldn’t exist in Arizona. Canadian money comes in different colors so that you instantly …

California Crazy

Shortly after our arrival in our new neighborhood, we went out to the car to find this envelope affixed to the windshield: Clearly someone had noticed the Quebec license plates. Inside was the following letter: Welcome to Silicon Valley, where everyone has a startup company and is an entrepreneurial genius.* Which means, of course, that …