“What’s a Guggenheim?” (aka the promised good news post)

So this post echoes my insane fall of applications post.  First of all: probably nobody should ever apply for 11 things like I did.  But it was a hell of a good year professionally.  Tl;dr:  we will be in two places next year. Carrie will be based at the Center for Advanced Studies in Behavioral …

“The economy basically works.” No, it doesn’t.

Last week, I saw the U.S. fed chairman Jerome Powell utter these absurd words on the news in response to the precipitous decline in the stock market and the swelling ranks of unemployed people. No, it doesn’t. [Tl;dr: capitalism sucks. If you have money, give some away right now. Here are some organizations I like. …

Quebec National Day of Action

Politics in Quebec, Montreal and McGill are as hot as they’ve been since last September. We are in the midst of a general student strike against proposed tuition increases. Today is the national day of action, which is getting Canada-wide press coverage and deserves international coverage. I’m at a conference right now and haven’t been …

MUNACA Strike Update

Tomorrow (friday) there is a massive solidarity rally at 11am at the Roddick Gates. If you’re local, go. More information at http://munacastrike.wordpress.com/, which is where you can get lots of other good MUNACA strike news. Today I got a very nice thankyou note from a MUNACA picket captain for bringing croissants with me this morning(I …