I’ve got some gigs coming up. These will probably be my last in Montreal until sometime later in 2025, since I’m away on sabbatical. Though there’s always a chance of a brief return visit.
Jonathan Sterne solo synth act, Saturday 15 June 2024, 5:30pm
Hard Red Spring, Wednesday 19 June, 8:00pm
Volte, Monday 19 August, 8pm
Please come! Bring friends!
More details:
Saturday 15 June, Rocket Science Room, 170 Jean-Talon Ouest (Atlas Building), #204, at the very reasonable hour of 5:30 start time. I’m performing solo on synth to launch the book “Modular Synthesis: Patching Machines and People.” I’m on a bill with Ky Brooks and Lisa Conway. We’re all doing 20 minute sets follows by a roundtable discussion. This will be a weird one because I’ll also say a couple words about the book before I launch into playing. I go first so show up on time. High nerdery.

Wednesday 19 June, 8:30pm, Hard Red Spring will be playing two sets (no opener) at l’escogriffe bar, 4461 rue St Denis. East side of the street, just “south” of Mont-Royal. See some of your favourite profs play lyrically-driven rock songs. The big news is that Carrie is singing more. I play bass. Lots of new material (is it power pop?), plus a range of stuff from our last three records.

Volte, my instrumental post-rock trio (some might say “progressive”!) will be doing an album launch for our new record, Vrittis, on Monday 19 August, 8pm at Turbo Haus. I play touch guitar (often in bass role but I venture higher) and synthesizer. More news forthcoming, but please save the date.