Speaker Voice Phenomenology, or “Just Another Asshole with a Bluetooth Headset”

One of the non-loaner headsets arrived last week. It is shockingly overpriced for what it is, and the amp has the hilarious name “Spokeman” which must be a mistranslation of either “Speakman” (as in “Walkman”) or “Spokesman.” You choose a headset to go with it and as I have a rather large head (hence outside …


I posted the following note in our building’s basement garage this afternoon after sweeping up some plaster. Cher Neighbors: You may notice the new hole in the wall. If you happen to walk by our car on the street, you may notice the right side-view mirror hanging off the side of the car. Yes, there …

Music Nerd Interlude

For all you computer musicians out there reading this, I learned of this interesting free plugin. It’s based on very simple principles but offers some cool sound-bending effects. I also like how simple it is–way better than some “special effects” plugins with dozens of interacting parameters.