Over at the Cat in the Stack (The HASTAC blog–not sure what to call it), Cathy Davidson makes the following interesting comment about interdisciplinarity: We’ve been arguing that true interdisciplinarity can’t happen unless you are put into situations where you are forced to learn from people with whom you do not share experiences, training, or …
Author Archives: Jonathan Sterne
Rentschler on Palin
I keep trying to get guest entries from Carrie after the famous “swiffer” post, but she’s on to bigger and better venues. This came out before the election (I think). It’s an essay on Sarah Palin and “hetero butch.” Liminalities did a killer job on the layout.
Palin Pranked
I have no idea if this is real. I’m not sure if I care. It’s brilliant.
Phil Griffin 1925-2008
My stepdad passed away on October 9th. He was 83 years old and in good health before a bypass surgery that was supposed to be fairly routine but turned out not to be after the fact. Phil had 5 kids, some of whom I met for the first time at my mom’s house earlier this …
Well there goes October . . .
. . . in a month where Wired pronounced blogging so over and several other bloggers wondered about the future of their blogs I said, well, a whole lot of nothing. It’s not for lack of words but for lack of time. As you’ll see in my next post, my stepdad passed away early in …
Interface Design: Not Canadian Grant Organizations’ Strong Suit
It’s fellowship season up here in Canada, and more and more of Canada’s granting agencies have moved to an all-online system for their grant applications. While I am in favor of using less paper and streamlining the application process, I do wonder why Canadian granting organizations have such categorically bad web design. Montreal is full …
Continue reading “Interface Design: Not Canadian Grant Organizations’ Strong Suit”
Academe site updated
It’s a couple months late, but with the help of a research assistant, I have updated the Academe section of my main site. It provides lots of professionalization advice for grad students and job seekers. If you have suggestions, please email me.