24 Jan 2025 Cancer Crawl: Pause or Shift?

This will be another symptoms and side effects post. I really want to write about shrinkage and some other more philosophical topics but that has to wait.

The good news is that there is good news to share. Let’s go!

Good news: sleep. I put the 15 degree foam wedge on top of the 25 degree foam wedge on my side of the bed and it works. 40 degrees is apparently enough to keep the liquids in my lungs down, and I wake up once or twice to cough and then get back to sleep. I don’t even have to put on music. This week, I’ve had some of the best sleep I’ve had in weeks, and I haven’t needed the recliner, though it’s there and ready if I do. Of course I still wake up zonked, and I’m still dealing with a lot of fatigue, but I feel less like shit than I have been when I wake up in the morning, which matters.

Good news: blood from lungs and breathing. This may also have to do with meds: maybe the albuterol is clearing things up now that it’s built up. And I was on steroids Friday-Tuesday, which dry me out, which could have also helped, and might still be in my system. I don’t know if I’m enjoying a respite or a change. I am still coughing up bloody phlegm but at a more manageable rate, and my airway is clear a lot more of the time.

Good news: fevers. The 5-day course of ‘roids seems to have helped. My fever is not spiking, and I’ve been back on my meds since Wednesday. Again, it may be too soon to tell if this is a switch or a respite, but it’s something.

Good news: physical therapy. Wednesday I had my intake for outpatient physical therapy. I don’t think I realized how much I missed PT. (I had in-home through December, but could not get an appointment until Weds for outpatient). It’s one of the few things where I can do something and experience improvement over time–in other words, it’s one of the few places in my current treatment where I can exert some control.

Semi-good news: vomiting. The day isn’t over yet, but I haven’t puked since Monday. Friday and Monday were pretty spectacular, but I learned that steroids can also upset the stomach. I made a slight change in how I take the “with food” breakfast meds, which may help in the future.

Was this all just steroids? I guess we will know next week when they have totally worn off.

This morning I had a barium swallow, results still pending. I know I have issues in my pharynx (I believe I have discussed those already). And on Tuesday I saw an ENT physicians’ assistant. She examined my nose and throat, and said the throat was in surprisingly good condition given how much I have been throwing up. Her theory is that it’s either a sphincter not closing or acid reflux or both that are accentuating the vomiting (which, it must be remembered, was not an issue before going on the new meds in October). She suggested sipping Maalox during vomiting episodes to tame the burning acid.

Next week: scans on Tuesday afternoon, then a meeting with my primary care doctor, who is fantastic. Thursday a virtual meeting with my radiation oncologist, who might even have readings of all my scans (though it’s hard to know in advance). Also I’ve got two physical therapy appointments M and Th, and Friday my cancer therapist will be back and I am definitely due to talk with her! So yeah, definitely being sick is somewhere between my hustle and side-hustle.

In other news, a friend sent me a watercolour painting of my cats, which is the gift I didn’t know I needed. It prompted me to order a digital picture frame. I have pics of Carrie and the cats on various devices but it’s nice to have them visible in a room. I’m not sure if this is just lack of practice at living alone or some residual bachelor/dude behaviour on my part, but I should have had the picture frame from September. I’ll still get lots of use out of it. Carrie is also very good at sending cat audio and video (and photos of beaches and ocean) so that’s been very nice.