
–A good seminar. I taught a formalist text, old school humanities style. Lots of student participation and good conversation.

–Drink with students after class at Thomson House. I love Thomson House. It’s so much cooler than the faculty club.

–Burrito Nite ][. We tend to make a big batch of something on Sunday so it can be reheated during the week. This week: burrito fixings, and some mole sauce we found in the freezer from July. Instant tastiness.

–Sitting and watching football with two cats sitting on me.

The new TV season is coming out and I’m paying attention. A little free time and I might even blog about it.

Carrie noticed in the Sunday NYTimes that there was a new Audioslave album out and always being on the lookout for new opportunities to rock, expressed interest. So I downloaded it. Bland. Very bland. I liked Soundgarden. I liked Rage Against the Machine. Audioslave? I’m bored.