So I’m reading Wired last night before I drift off to sleep and a little blurb catches my eye. It’s about MMPORGs: “I want to see a game that is designed to run for only two years – with a two-year story arc – and a definitive end-date. Much like television watchers are fully aware …
Author Archives: Jonathan Sterne and other Pgh stories
I have been urged to “blog the hell” out of my trip and that’s just what I’m going to do. There are several topics worth covering. 1. It’s a good thing someone owns Though to be fair to them, their practices are basically standard for US airlines and I’m sure any other carrier would …
Off to Pittsburgh. . .
. . .for Zack’s defense and assorted meetings. I am looking forward to seeing old friends and purchasing some fine American goods while on my trip. I will report back about the recent unpleasantness. If there’s anything to report. Carrie and I haven’t made the shopping list yet, but I imagine it will include: –Penzey’s …
The Most Shallow Quote Ever + Some Context
From noted feminist theorist Elle Macpherson: Q: How important is fashion in our world today? A; What’s really important is our health, our family, our well-being. Fashion is not important. But if we can feel creative by putting together certain outfits that make us feel good about ourselves, well, that’s a way of expressing ourselves …
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While We’re on the Topic
One of the best things I’ve read on sexual harassment and hostile climate is the “Sexual Harassment” chapter in Nelson and Watt’s Academic Keywords.
Shit, Meet the Fan I have occasionally deferred answers to questions in this space about my leaving Pitt in 2004. No doubt, this article clarifies a little but not a lot. It’s also a big step for me personally. I decided that it was better to do the right thing and risk pissing off a lot of people …
Good Advice on Writing
In working on a review, I had occasion to reference George Orwell’s Politics and the English Language. While I’m not a particular partisan of plain prose, his advice on writing is — in general — still quite sound for anyone today, and especially scholars.