Back from Toronto

and this week begins, how shall we put it, the “rude awakening” phase where optimism meets actual fall-semester work. Toronto was indeed lovely. As predicted, we did nothing touristy* and instead just hung out with friends. Our hosts, Greg Elmer and Paula Gardner, were even kind enough to throw a party Saturday night where we …

Last Trip of the Summer

Tomorrow, we are off to Toronto for a couple days. Wish it could be longer, but we’re going to do ABSOLUTELY NO WORK on the trip so it should be nice. We are bringing the French flash cards Carrie made, though. My coursepack is in at the copy shop. All is right with the world.

High on Hot Chocolate–Fear and Excitement

I actually think I might be a little wired after consuming what is undoubtedly the best hot chocolate of my life (thank you Babette’s). Also my back is still cold from the rain falling on it while hailing a taxi. Anyway, tonight’s topic is how I am a supreme geek. Specifically, I am always struck …

So, you heard about the English, but how’s my French?

I’m learning how to put things in the past tense. Didn’t do too bad on this exercise, though my verbal translation was running at about 50%. Still, I can’t complain. Sorry it’s been so quiet here, I’ve been moving office this week and otherwise getting started up, especially with GPD responsibilities. Also shepherding people through …