Well, if the Chronicle of Higher Ed isn’t enough to get academics in a tizzy, there’s always the New York Times, which ran a story yesterday about a woman who fired her nanny for blogging. There’s tons of commentary: here (Steven’s blog first hipped me to it), here, and here. For me, this is less …
Author Archives: Jonathan Sterne
Now I “Get” Sleater-Kinney
For the longest time, I understood that Sleater-Kinney was a band I was supposed to like. My friends did. The critics did. And yet, I just couldn’t get into them. The songs didn’t do much for me, and the singing grated on me. But I heard a couple tracks off the Woods and there was …
Ya-Ya Rules the World
Reason #572351 That I’m Glad I No Longer Live in Pennsylvania
A really stupid piece of legislation, based on David Horowitz’s academic bill of rights, that makes it easier to harass professors for their political views. Michael Berube has a good blog entry on the topic. I doubt the bill will make it into law, but even so, how lame is it that the house of …
Continue reading “Reason #572351 That I’m Glad I No Longer Live in Pennsylvania”
is a movie about time travel. I love movies that mess with time, either in a science fiction way or even just in their narrative presentation. Primer is one of the best in the genre, and to top it all off, it was made for $7000 (of course, that figure doesn’t include the cost of …
Leaving Out the Important Things
Or maybe just not blogging enough. After my big declarations about being a full time audio engineer, I’ve been back at work for “the man” for the past couple days to catch up with some promises I’d made long ago. Such is my lot. Mixing will resume on Thursday or Friday, by which time my …
Food is Industrial
Not that we didn’t all know that, but as Carrie and I were driving east along the southern beltway today, we passed a train that had huge cars for transporting liquid — you know, the kind they use for oil — all labelled “corn syrup” or “corn sweetener.” The train just went on and on …