I’ve been saving up the TV comments, so they’re all coming out in this entry. You will learn that I generally a) watch crap and b) am happy watching crap. OK, let’s begin. American Idol is now completely boring and lame. It was always boring once they got rid of all the bad people. Competent …
Author Archives: Jonathan Sterne
Yesterday, according to the weather channel’s website, it got down to -17F/-27C. According to my cabdriver, with windchill the “felt” temperature was -45C. If this was actually the case (cabbies have been known to exaggerate), that would be a new personal record for me. Last year, on this very weekend, I interviewed for the job …
Languages are Cool
I was doing my usual search on MovieTickets.com in preparation for our Movie Nite. Just for kicks, I like to see what’s playing at the Star City Theater, which is closest to our apartment, though always in French. I love the translations of the titles. Spongebob Squarepants is, simply, “Bob the Sponge.” In the “isn’t …
is what you, dear reader, must be suffering from. I’m suffering from not writing in it, so we’re even. I wrote a good entry last Friday about lunch at the Office of Technology Transfer and my original business idea (no I didn’t disclose it) that they seemed to like. I must have accidentlally deleted it …
Techno on the Metro
I think I’ve mentioned my childlike fascination with the metro here before. The trains are blue, the wheels are round, the orange line plays a major chord on the way out of the station, etc. Anyway, the other day on the way to school, I listened to Quebec Connection’s Bonjour Expo (thanks Will!) on the …
Closer, but not close enough to Movie Nite
Although there are a number of films we both want to see, times were off last night given when we got to dinner, Carrie and I decided we’d do a little quid-pro-quo on movie night and go see something she wanted to see (and then something I wanted to see another time). For some reason, …
Continue reading “Closer, but not close enough to Movie Nite”
Like there’s any point to having “category” in front of my posts here. It’ll be gone when the fabled last days of the site revision come. Four hours over two nights was very intense, and we’re talking about the most intense show on television. Once again, we learn that a) torture is okay except (maybe) …