It could be the weather.We’ve had some particularly bad weather the last few days. I’ve started paying attention and it could be that my hands get tingly when there is a pressure change. So maybe bad and good pain days are not entirely arbitrary. My sample size is too small right now, but I’m going …
Author Archives: Jonathan Sterne
The new normal implies that I know what normal is
I saw my oncologist today and things are basically the same as last month. I didn’t get my tumour marker readings but will update this if and when they come in. My tumour marker is down again, to 4.1. My next CT is in 3 months and we’ll see how that’s going, but it seems …
Continue reading “The new normal implies that I know what normal is”
Here are some hot Canadian election takes for you
As always, remember that an election is just an election. It has real implications, but party politics is the tip of the iceberg. If you want real change, there is a lot of organizing and work to be done outside the party politics system. I am relieved the conservatives didn’t win. It is impressive that …
Continue reading “Here are some hot Canadian election takes for you”
And now…some good news
Tl;dr: It was a drug interaction. And my tumour marker dropped even more. I’m recovering now and eating normal food again. I love flavour! I figured it out on Weds the 25th, as I was having a downright painful morning that made me 45 minutes late to my undergrad seminar. Between that and flying, I …
Eulogy for Gary Thomas
Gary Thomas, one of my undergraduate mentors at the University of Minnesota, passed away on 29 August. I happened to be in town for the memorial on September 28th (I was at a conference upstairs!), and Richard Leppert–my undergraduate advisor and Gary’s close colleague, friend and confidante–asked me to speak as a representative of his …
Drugs update for September
That was an intentionally innocuous title. So the last post was nice and sentimental about starting school. I meant everything I said, but it is true that that post is not an entirely accurate reflection of what Wednesday September 4th was like for me. This one will be slightly darker. It will also involve explicit …
20 Years In
I taught my first class as a professor in the fall of 1999. As I enter class today, this will begin my 21st year as a professor (my first class as a teacher was in fall of 1994, so that’s 25 years ago, not 20 but whatever). Undergrad and grad school were 10 years combined …