7 is a lucky number/WTF is thyroglobulin and why is it a tumour marker/didn’t want to be “that guy” at the Broken Social Scene Show

Good news!  My tumour marker keep dropping.  It is down to 7.  That’s pretty amazing given where I started out.  It’s not the absolute numbers that matter, but the relative numbers that do.  If the numbers doubled in a short period, my doctors would be worried.  So that I’m down from 45 is a very …

How to delete Adobe Acrobat MS Word Add-in for Mac desktop apps

Just because I lost two hours to this yesterday and it’s hard to find this information online* hopefully this will pop up in the search engines. Search in finder for the file linkCreation.dotm and then delete it. Reopen MS Word and the problem should be gone. This works on MacOS Mojave; I haven’t tested elsewhere. …

On the side effects of treatments for my side effects

I sometimes like to think of my current condition as “shitty puberty.” Not that puberty is a fun ride for anyone, but this experience seems like a cut-rate version. Instead of well thought out, illustrated “what’s happening to my body?” books and parents talking to me about things I don’t want to hear about, plus …

Hypersensitivity Phenomenology, or Touch-and Learn with Hand-Foot Syndrome

So I appear to have the “hand” part of hand-foot syndrome. It’s a relatively mild case, as hand-foot syndrome can be so bad that it’s painful to touch anything with your hands or impossible to walk. In my case, it’s just in the hands. I’ve got the tight skin, tingling and burning, and extreme sensitivity …