I saw my oncologist again on Thursday. Things continued to be good so I was promoted to 20mg. My tumour marker in my blood is a tiny bit lower than last time but no magical drop. Because I told him about my skin peeling off and being bummed to lose a callous, I also learned …
Author Archives: Jonathan Sterne
Onto Week 4: Let’s Kill Some More Disease
I saw my endocrinologist on Friday. I’ve nicknamed him The Terminator, because he kills disease. I’m told the usual scenario is that the neck surgeon is the hard-core one, and the endocrinologist is touchy-feely but it goes the other way in my world. Anyway, my tumour marker was down again over the previous week, so …
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Advertising makes the internet worse; here’s what that means
I remember standing in Microsoft Research New England, talking with a few brilliant mathematicians and computer scientists. Twitter had just started including ads in their feed, and there was much grumbling and surprise. I responded that Twitter only had a few choices–fewer, given that they were giving away their service for “free.” A quick look …
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Today was an unusually good day
10 days on the drug and my tumor marker (thyroglobulin level in the blood) is already down. Today was my “hobby” day at Jewish General — 5 hours in total for a variety of tests and waiting to see the oncologist. It was a short meeting but he seemed unusually pleased at the effects of …
An allegory about this website getting hacked on Friday night
I grew up in a house in a first ring suburb of Minneapolis. The plot of land was clearly designed by an architect who was not from the area: an unpaved driveway went down a hill to a detached garage. In the winter, the driveway was slippery and it was easy for cars to get …
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Drugs update
So far so good. I’ve taken it 3 times. 4pm is a terrible time to have to take a pill, so I’m moving it to bedtime. My rumbly stomach was much better yesterday evening. I crunched a couple antacids before bed and the only thing that woke me up during the night was a pummelling …
I have one dose of Lenvima in me and I feel fine (ish).
I took my first pill at 4pm yesterday. The best time to take the drug is a bit of an algorithm considering my other medications (specifically: synthroid and iron, which should stay away from one another and from Lenvima). There has been some indigestion which led to a restless night (could be related or unrelated), …
Continue reading “I have one dose of Lenvima in me and I feel fine (ish).”