I just returned the copyedits for MP3: The Meaning of a Format to Duke. That was a ton of work for my RAs and I. I have no idea how I would have done it without them, given the intensity of the last month. Thanks to their help I was able to do some …
Author Archives: Jonathan Sterne
New Text
“’The Recording that Never Wanted to be Heard’ and Other Stories of Sonification,” coauthored with Mitchell Akiyama, The Oxford Handbook of Sound Studies, eds. Trevor Pinch and Karin Bijsterveld, 544-60. New York: Oxford University Press (2011).
Strike’s Over, Term’s Almost Over, but “it” is not over
I warned you about the quiet time. Just got back from a very nice day at Harvard, mostly in the music department but my talk was at the Mahindra Humanities Center. Met lots of cool people, had great conversations which made me think about stuff. What more can you ask for? Unrelated to any of …
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American Thanksgiving–Time to Give Thanks
For the first time ever, we’re not really celebrating US thanksgiving in a formal way. This term has had lots of travel already and we’ve been sprinting nonstop (metaphor!) so didn’t feel like taking the time off right now to go somewhere. We did celebrate Canadian thanksgiving (“it’s slightly different”) so it’s not like we’re …
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The Activist Tax
This is a more personal post. And I’m sure I’m like the 100,000th person to make this point in a blog on the internet. I realize that what I am about to say is nothing compared to what my colleagues in MUNACA are dealing with. They are marching in circles for four hours a day …
A few days late, but another speech from the November 14th rally
This one from my friend Michelle Hartman –*– My name is Michelle Hartman, I teach in the Institute of Islamic Studies and I am a member of MFLAG. The last time I spoke out on an amplified system to you all, at another student organized teach-in, I linked the treatment of the striking workers from …
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What happens now
Sorry for the quiet here. Overwhelming week between stuff happening on campus and this thing called my job (which included some awesome out of town guests and the American Anthropological Association conference this week into this weekend). — I wish I had something more profound than “ugh, this again” to say about police violence spreading …