Read the post over at Antenna, where Jonathan Gray has been running a work/school/life series.
Author Archives: Jonathan Sterne
Voice Lift Review: Or, Laryngology Phenomenology (not really, but it rhymes)
Well, I don’t really recommend the operation for a good time (graphic details below the line for the curious) but it certainly has had an effect on my voice. It sounds different and it’s easier to talk. I would definitely do it again. My friend Derek says that before my voice sounded like my old …
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Voice Lift: Why I Shouldn’t Have Been So Critical of All The Plastic Surgery in Los Angeles
During our six weeks in LA, we saw a LOT of people who had plastic surgery. At least in the wealthier parts of town, it is part of the culture, and one can talk casually of having “work done.” For example, a friend of ours who is 50, newly single, and drop-dead gorgeous was asked …
MUNACA Strike Update
Tomorrow (friday) there is a massive solidarity rally at 11am at the Roddick Gates. If you’re local, go. More information at, which is where you can get lots of other good MUNACA strike news. Today I got a very nice thankyou note from a MUNACA picket captain for bringing croissants with me this morning(I …
Disability Theory Quote of the Day
“Constructing the axis on which disabled and nondisabled fall will be a critical step in marking all points along it.” –Simi Linton, “Reassigning Meaning,” in Lennard J. Davis, ed, The Disability Studies Reader (New York: Routledge, 2010), 235 (originally in Simi Linton, Claiming Disability: Knowledge and Identity (NYU Press, 1998)). Today’s seminar topic was identity …
Announcing MFLAG, and other news from McGill’s second week of labor disruption
The MUNACA strike continues, though both sides have agreed to meet with a conciliator, so there is at least some hope that they will work towards an agreement. A group of concerned faculty have formed the McGill Faculty Labor Action Group (MFLAG), and we joined the student solidarity group in Thursday’s protest (note that the …
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September is Thyroid Cancer Awareness Month
More information here and here. It’s good that this is the month to be aware of thyroid cancer because boy, am I sure aware of it. After a year away, in which I could effectively spend most of my time living in denial, I’m back in the medical system with lots of followup appointments and …
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