Hot off the IJoC Press: The Politics of Academic Labor in Communication Studies

International Journal of Communication (IJoC) Publishes Special Section on Academic Labor International Journal of Communication (IJoC) has published a new special section on “The Politics of Academic Labor in Communication Studies.” Edited by Jonathan Sterne, this special section features 21 authors who raise difficult questions about academic labor in our field. We may have learned …

Update from the road : Art + MUNACA

I’ve been enjoying my travel immensely, and walking around Berlin today I thought perhaps I should blog more about my trips various places, since that’s probably more interesting than some of the stuff I do write about. For instance, today I wandered off the street and into a gallery only to discover that they were …

Announcing a new book series on Duke University Press! Now, please help us name it.

Lisa Gitelman and I will be editing a new book series on Duke University Press. As Lisa put it, we “share a taste in books” and we thought it would be a good place to support empirically rich, theoretically engaged work on media, technologies and culture. And yes, of course it will also be a …

Cancer Crawl, 10 Oct 2011

And now, another post about cancer! This is one of those “good news/bad news” situations. I confess to some unwarranted cockiness in the cancer department upon returning from California. As Carrie put it, we thought we’d “beaten it” for now. I returned from sabbatical many pounds lighter and a few sizes smaller than I’d left, …