MUNACA Strike Update

Tomorrow (friday) there is a massive solidarity rally at 11am at the Roddick Gates. If you’re local, go. More information at, which is where you can get lots of other good MUNACA strike news. Today I got a very nice thankyou note from a MUNACA picket captain for bringing croissants with me this morning(I …

Disability Theory Quote of the Day

“Constructing the axis on which disabled and nondisabled fall will be a critical step in marking all points along it.” –Simi Linton, “Reassigning Meaning,” in Lennard J. Davis, ed, The Disability Studies Reader (New York: Routledge, 2010), 235 (originally in Simi Linton, Claiming Disability: Knowledge and Identity (NYU Press, 1998)). Today’s seminar topic was identity …

Announcing MFLAG, and other news from McGill’s second week of labor disruption

The MUNACA strike continues, though both sides have agreed to meet with a conciliator, so there is at least some hope that they will work towards an agreement. A group of concerned faculty have formed the McGill Faculty Labor Action Group (MFLAG), and we joined the student solidarity group in Thursday’s protest (note that the …

Update: MAUT disingenuous?

Last night’s message from the provost indicated that The University has a signed agreement with MUNACA representatives, designating animal care as an “essential service”. These essential services will ensure that proper care of animals will be maintained for the duration of the strike. For specific details as they relate to your area, please contact Dr. …

McGill University Non-Academic Workers on Strike

MUNACA, McGill’s union of non-academic professionals, went on strike yesterday at 6am. MUNACA members do a great deal of the work that keeps the university running. Our department has three MUNACA staff, and I depend mightily upon them as a faculty member. In my time as grad director and then chair, I got to know …

Speech Impairment: in the news, in the booth, at some parties, and in situ

Yesterday’s New York Times had a story on sports figures with temporary vocal cord paralysis–announcers Joe Buck and Dick Vitale, and referee Mike Pereira. The piece more or less exactly describes my own difficulties. Here’s Pereira talking about himself and Buck: “You have to reach more into your diaphragm to get the vocal cords to …