Audio in Digital Humanities Authorship: A Roadmap (version 0.5)

Background: 0.1. Existing digital humanities work has largely reproduced visualist biases in the humanities: work with images and audiovisual texts has been thus far assumed to be more primary than work with sound as a text. And yet, sound is one of the major areas where huge gains could be made in digital publication. As …

Advanced Topics in the Digital Humanities, Week 1

okay, surprise, we’re back. I’m here in Los Angeles for the NEH/Vectors Institute for Advanced Topics in the Digital Humanities (and there’s something in the title about American Studies, but I’m here on Mellon money and don’t really count as an American Studies person as far as I can tell, so please forgive me that …

Summer Hiatus

It’s that time of year again. I’m nearing time to move to LA, backed up with work and flush with social engagements. Maybe I’ll get inspired in LA, but if not, I’ll see you in late August.