Sometimes when you think you see a zebra in an unlikely place, it’s actually a zebra

Slow blogging the week before the end of the world. Actually, we were away for a few days, plus I’m cooking up some stuff. We went down to the wine region in Central California — Paso Robles. Carrie got to visit and taste at her favorite winery — which is also beautiful — and we …

Canadian Election 2011: Instant Analysis (before reading the morning papers, anyway)

There will be lots of talk about this or that epoch changing development. That’s great for pundits, but we need only look back to the ADQ’s recent victory and then subsequent demise in Quebec politics for a cautionary tale. The New Democrats have a chance to really become a major force nationally, but that is …

Liveblogging the Canadian Election from California

J: I just bought a Quebec flag on Amazon. Also, CBC’s glee at Duceppe’s loss (vs. Ignatieff’s) is palpable. J: Ignatieff on the liberals: “I am the humble heir of that tradition. And I didn’t come into politics to see it die.” Um. Oops. C: Are we gonna watch this all night or what? It’s …