The New Normal, or Is That a Summer Hiatus Coming On?

For those readers not accustomed to the ways of academic blogs (which is mostly academic only by virtue of its association with its author), there is a tradition called the “summer hiatus.” People spend less time on the internet reading blogs and writers take time away. I tend not to announce such things but since …

If I had liveblogged last night’s circus performance, it would go something like this

(Outside, before the performance) It sure looks like one of those clowns is going to hit a child with a pin. (Inside, waiting for the performance) This place looks like a school. Oh wait, it is a school. A circus school. A torrential downpour. Wind is blowing over flags and stuff. And the title of …

Apple Mail (Snow Leopard), Entourage And Exchange: A Brief Review

And now a post on workflow and email. Non-Mac users will be bored, so please feel free to skip this one. Like you don’t always feel free to skip posts. . . . McGill uses Microsoft’s Exchange Server protocol, which allows people to sync their email, contacts and calendar across platforms, computers, and so forth. …