There are two running counts on our chalkboard at home. The first is a counter of actual days until my term as department chair is up (31 May is the last day of my term). That number is at 19, though the chairing is pretty light in May and I’ve had lots of help from …
Author Archives: Jonathan Sterne
Quick Update
I had the first treatment today. It was uneventful and painless. It took a little longer than 15 minutes since they were getting used to me and adjusting my body on the bed. The mask was nice and tight. I was hoping there would be a laser or light sabre or something spectacular but I …
Well, that’s a relief
This morning, when I had planned to be writing up the AHCS strategic plan, I got a call from Jewish General asking if I could come in so they could adjust my mask. I was delighted to oblige. It turns out that whatever the mask is made of, you can mold it some by making …
Good News/Good News/Bad News
Yesterday was a big medical day. Good News 1: First up was an appointment with my endo, who upped my synthroid dose quite significantly–almost doubling it. Let’s hope that handles the hypothyroidism. I expected that. The bigger shock was that he told me my parathyroids were working. My sense was that they were damaged during …
Promotional Photo for Saw XXIV + Holding Pattern
Neal Thomas graciously offered to photoshop the pictures of the EBR mask onto my faculty photo. The results are impressive, though I am as yet undecided as to whether this should replace my official faculty photo on the McGill site:
The Politics of Journal Publishing in Cultural Studies
Thanks to his blog, I learned that Ted Striphas’ important, horrifying and inspiring piece on the politics of academic journal publishing–“Acknowleged Goods”–just appeared in the Journal of Communication and Critical/Cultural Studies. (And I agree with Jason Mittel, the first commenter, that he should just post the essay for people to read.) The same post also …
Continue reading “The Politics of Journal Publishing in Cultural Studies”
New Thyroid Cancer Canada Website
Thyroid Cancer Canada just launched their new website: I definitely don’t fit their main demographic but have found them to be an incredibly useful resource throughout my experience. Rita Banach their president, has worked tirelessly to update and modernize their web presence. Thyroid cancer is still underrepresented in the broader cultural discourse around cancer, …