Weekends here are pretty quiet, which is actually kind of nice if you’re going to be trapped here. We had a couple visitors and the neighbors complained about the laughing (wasn’t mine–I’m inaudible). The latest news, though still unofficial, is that I will be home, with my neck sewn (back) shut, by a week from …
Author Archives: Jonathan Sterne
Cancer Crawl Feb 20th
Well, it’s more like a slow amble up and down the hallways of the 18th floor of the General, back and forth. At least 4 times a day. Through the miracle of tethering, I have managed to get onto the internet with Carrie’s laptop and type something, and I am probably breaking a rule. Didn’t …
Well, I’d planned to blog a whole lot more but the last couple weeks have been surprisingly busy, which is good, since it’s not much fun to contemplate the countdown to surgery. More musings, possibly deranged (but don’t get your hopes up), will be forthcoming when I get home from tomorrow’s surgery. Carrie will post …
On Diagnosis (Attitude Part 1)
I get a lot of questions about my attitude toward having cancer. I don’t actually feel as though I am exercising an act of will, or being stoic, or heroic, or brave or anything else. These are clichés, as well illustrated by the Onion article “Loved Ones Recall Local Man’s Cowardly Battle With Cancer”: “Most …
More Than a Few Words on the Form of Music
This week I received a CD from Owen Chapman, my colleague at Concordia. Entitled Calling the Voice-O-Graph, it is an album of sample-based music though he also plays some of the parts himself. If you click the link to the online part of the project, you’ll see the idea behind it is pretty interesting: free …
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Cancer Crawl — 25 January
There’s some bloggable backstory here. For instance, today I saw a videotape of the inside of my throat. My right vocal cord remained paralyzed but the left one moved all the way over to compensate. Also, it turns out that the insides of people’s throats look an awful lot like meat. But here’s the update, …