After all the talk of corking, there was no cork. I wore tape all day, gradually re-learning to breathe through my nose and mouth without the help of an extra airway (I was allowed to remove the tape if I couldn’t get enough air). As I mentioned last night, the difficulty is not breathing in …
Author Archives: Jonathan Sterne
Cancer Crawl Feb 24th
This one will be brief as I’m beat. This morning, they tried to “cork” me, which is what it sounds like. You put a “cork” in the trach tube to force beeathing through the nose and mouth only. I had a hard time breathing out–probably because my trach is still pretty big. Later in the …
Cancer Crawl, Feb 23rd
Today I spoke for the first time since February 12th. Technically that’s not true since in the ICU they got a “1 2 3 4” out of me on the 15th but I was under heavy sedation. Apart from that, I have been communicating with a pad of paper and with keyboard devices when given …
Cancer Crawl Feb 22nd
I just downloaded WordPress for iPhone. They do think of everything, don’t they? For better or worse, I have settled into a routine here. Part of that is coercive– no full blinds and they come and wake you up at all hours, because in hospitals theories of pharmacology trump those of sleep. But I am …
Cancer Crawl Feb 21st
Weekends here are pretty quiet, which is actually kind of nice if you’re going to be trapped here. We had a couple visitors and the neighbors complained about the laughing (wasn’t mine–I’m inaudible). The latest news, though still unofficial, is that I will be home, with my neck sewn (back) shut, by a week from …
Cancer Crawl Feb 20th
Well, it’s more like a slow amble up and down the hallways of the 18th floor of the General, back and forth. At least 4 times a day. Through the miracle of tethering, I have managed to get onto the internet with Carrie’s laptop and type something, and I am probably breaking a rule. Didn’t …
Well, I’d planned to blog a whole lot more but the last couple weeks have been surprisingly busy, which is good, since it’s not much fun to contemplate the countdown to surgery. More musings, possibly deranged (but don’t get your hopes up), will be forthcoming when I get home from tomorrow’s surgery. Carrie will post …