Some questions arrived in the mail this morning from Ekpektatwa, an interdisciplinary arts project in Poland. I decided to warm up by answering them. I think they really wanted an essay, but I went with point form. Sometimes it’s more fun just to answer the questions. 1). What is silence for You? Is it a …
Author Archives: Jonathan Sterne
Some Kennedy Considerations
Doug Henwood, as usual, offers a salutary alternative to the funerary hagiography.
Lushness in the Nosebleed Seats
Tap. . . Tap. . . Is This Thing On?
Greetings, loyal rss aggregators, assorted robots and extremely dedicated readers. After a summer hiatus, this blog awakens refreshed. Sure, blogging is so passé that it’s cast as a quaint, dated practice in Julie and Julia but that won’t stop me. During the summer’s silence, time pushed me past a few milestones. I’m not normally given …
All Quiet
It’s summer. Between socializing, tending to a few domestic matters, computer issues, a little bit of admin and making a big push on the book (I have set myself a deadline in July for sending it out for review, though I’m a little flexible on the exact day), I’m neglecting the blog. So I guess …
Jonathan took the nonexistent facebook quiz
Jonathan Sterne took the quiz WHICH ESOTERIC INDYROCK SUBGENRE MOST RESEMBLES YOUR WRITING STYLE? and the answer was “mathrock.”
A Few Thoughts on Things, Equipment, Technologies (With Heidegger)
I know it’s quiet around here. I’ve been on the road and catching up. It might ramp back up as I am now getting back into writing (which in my case always begets more writing). — I’m currently wrapping up the draft of my “Is Music a Thing” chapter and dealing with smart questions posed …
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