We live in a world where people are more private about their ailments than their sex lives (the same has been said about money, but that’s a whole other subject). If I had to guess, such privacy stems from stigma, the desire not to be perceived as weak and the death taboo. No matter the …
Author Archives: Jonathan Sterne
Goodbye Oughts and Hello Tweens
Okay, we’re back and it should be really, really fixed this time. First, OMG. WordPress says this is post number 1000. I feel like I should do something special. Here’s a pony: Okay, I cannot possibly tell you the best of anything over the last 10 years. I don’t think that way. So here’s some …
Pardon the construction
The man wants to start blogging again and so of course the site slows to a halt. Pardon the dust. I should be up and running again in a couple days.
Academic Easter Eggs
In my spare time I’ve been starting to read again, including Zenko and Bogost’s Racing the Beam. Their discussion of the Atari game “Adventure” raised a question for which I do not have the answer. Are there examples of “easter eggs” in academic writing? What would they be? I have a vague recollection of a …
Establishing the Facts of the Situation
Thanks for the good wishes in the last post! Before I get into my crazy man blogosphere rantings (okay, that might be a little bit of an overstatement), I suppose it would be appropriate to establish the facts of the situation. First of all, they call thyroid cancer “the good cancer” because almost nobody dies …
Cancer Blog!
Once again, I’m back. I have what has turned out to be an unusual case of thyroid cancer and I think I’m going to blog about it. Summer’s hiatus was a plain, vanilla blog hiatus. My disappearance in October was directly tied to the discovery of the illness, the extra “part time job” that ensued …
More Hiatus?
Few things are lamer than a blog announcing its comeback and then not coming back, but I’m afraid that’s what has to happen here. I will continue to post at best intermittently for the rest of 2009–possibly longer–not for lack of content or inspiration, but for lack of time.