Greetings, loyal rss aggregators, assorted robots and extremely dedicated readers. After a summer hiatus, this blog awakens refreshed. Sure, blogging is so passé that it’s cast as a quaint, dated practice in Julie and Julia but that won’t stop me. During the summer’s silence, time pushed me past a few milestones. I’m not normally given …
Author Archives: Jonathan Sterne
All Quiet
It’s summer. Between socializing, tending to a few domestic matters, computer issues, a little bit of admin and making a big push on the book (I have set myself a deadline in July for sending it out for review, though I’m a little flexible on the exact day), I’m neglecting the blog. So I guess …
Jonathan took the nonexistent facebook quiz
Jonathan Sterne took the quiz WHICH ESOTERIC INDYROCK SUBGENRE MOST RESEMBLES YOUR WRITING STYLE? and the answer was “mathrock.”
A Few Thoughts on Things, Equipment, Technologies (With Heidegger)
I know it’s quiet around here. I’ve been on the road and catching up. It might ramp back up as I am now getting back into writing (which in my case always begets more writing). — I’m currently wrapping up the draft of my “Is Music a Thing” chapter and dealing with smart questions posed …
Continue reading “A Few Thoughts on Things, Equipment, Technologies (With Heidegger)”
Unreasonable Summer Goals, 2009 edition
I’m packed for ICA, which will be my last academic travel until maybe November. The comparatively long stretch at home has been a long time coming and I’ve had to turn down a few very tempting offers to make it happen. Over the past year and a bit, my sarcastic “world tour” link turned out …
A Few Words in Praise of Public Health
Now that h1n1 has degenerated from a worldwide crisis to a party favor, people have been complaining about how various public health authorities handled the crisis, when the flu turned out to be a regular flu. While I’m certainly not keen on the paranoid behavior of Japanese bureaucrats who effectively shut down the Society for …
TV vs. Movies, Part 3000
Steven Rubio has a great post about a review of the new Star Trek movie that criticizes it for aspiring to being a television show (whatever the film’s flaws, I would be surprised if this were its problem). His objection is that the writer still assumes television is a vast wasteland while movies are still …