Palin Plug

I have nothing of interest to say about Sarah Palin, but over at Lawyers, Gun$ and Money they’ve been doing a great job of covering her sudden rise to fame, no doubt with the help of an Alaskan on staff.

The Record Mystique: Mysteries of Vinyl or, the second time as farce

This NYTimes story on vinyl has been making the rounds on various music boards since it came out Sunday. Many of the old writers lament that vinyl has been “relegated” to the Style section of the newspaper. Me, I just sigh every time the old myths are trotted out. [Vinyl] virtually collapsed in the late …

Civil Liberties

At drinks last night, Rick pointed out that nobody on the democratic side of this presidential campaign is talking about restoring the civil liberties decimated by the Bush administration. Then I read this column today. Oh, and this. There is a world of trouble coming.