Suspicions confirmed. Hormone levels almost right. A few more mgs.
Category Archives: Cancer
We’re getting close to some milestones: 2/3 of the way through today, and two weeks from tomorrow should be my last day of radiation treatment. Symptom-wise, I remain cautiously optimistic. I can still taste and talk, even if I do evaluate food choices in terms of viscosity. The swallowing pain seems steady and the fatigue …
11 (On Professional Websites)
In the comments to #13, Aimee-Marie asked: I was considering putting together a simple website with some of my stuff (vita, pubs, etc) on it, but was given advice that this might lead to my information being “out of my control.” Since you’ve gone the other direction completely, I’m wondering if you had any energy …
It’s Carrie here, doing a guest entry on the cancer crawl. Today I accompanied Jonathan to radiation, for the first time. Jon’s got a routine down at this point: walk to the Jean Talon metro (getting some exercise in), take metro to Cote-des-Neiges, walk to JGH, enter swank cancer facilities, say hello to everyone he …
Known when you feel it. That’s radiation fatigue! Drain closed, then open.
Switching to silver. Burn sometimes surprises me; sometimes I forget.
Finally, halfway! And still relatively asymptomatic. The skin on my neck and lower jaw is now pretty sore even with the cream (but less itchy). For now fatigue is steady in that I get bursts of it during the day but it’s not constant. Swallowing has actually improved a little since the 2nd day I …