What Is Music Technology For?

(x-posted on the Social Media Collective Research Blog) In late March and early April, I attended three events that together signal some interesting shifts in thinking about music technology and sound.  The first, a day-long symposium on March 24th I co-organized with Nancy Baym, was entitled “What Is Music Technology For?”  It came after a weekend-long …

Really cool sound recording project

Aleks Kolkowski has been recording all manner of contemporary artists with a 1909 Edison wax cylinder phonograph. The results are pretty incredible. I am especially fond of the electronic music section for its historical juxtapositions. (laptop + circuit bent keyboards + who knows?) + cylinder = Meat Sweats Cylinder by phonographies Theremin + cylinder = …

Audio in Digital Humanities Authorship: A Roadmap (version 0.5)

Background: 0.1. Existing digital humanities work has largely reproduced visualist biases in the humanities: work with images and audiovisual texts has been thus far assumed to be more primary than work with sound as a text. And yet, sound is one of the major areas where huge gains could be made in digital publication. As …