Last week, I stumbled across a link to this article on how to write a book. Being part of the boing boing technogeek culture, it’s no surprise that there’s a heavy focus on tools. But I have to say that my eyes almost popped out of my head when I saw how many times Johnson …
Category Archives: Text
There is actually a real food called chow-chow
Checking out alternative chili recipes we found a recipe calling for a chayote. Not knowing what it was, I went to wikipedia. The entry may have the best opening line of any wikipedia entry I’ve found: The chayote (Sechium edule), also known as sayote, tayota, choko, chocho, chow-chow, christophine or merliton, is an edible plant …
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Possibly the meanest thing I’ve read about Michael Ignatieff
is right here. As winter break moves gently in my direction, I hope to install a year-end, Project Censored Top-5 or Top-10 stories I wished I’d blogged about at the time for 2008. In the meantime, it’s 1-liners. I’ve got defences to prep and meetings to attend and a football game to return to.
Applying for a Job When You Have One
Tenured Radical is also in the academic advice business, and has a wonderful post on applying for a job when you already have one. I started writing a comment and it got so long, I thought I’d just post it here. WHY NOT TO USE LETTERHEAD. I actually don’t think people should use their current …
The Record Mystique: Mysteries of Vinyl or, the second time as farce
This NYTimes story on vinyl has been making the rounds on various music boards since it came out Sunday. Many of the old writers lament that vinyl has been “relegated” to the Style section of the newspaper. Me, I just sigh every time the old myths are trotted out. [Vinyl] virtually collapsed in the late …
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