This is what it must be like to be a morning person.
Category Archives: Text
It turns out that it’s not a compliment. . .
. . . when the customs agent at Dorval looks at all the stamps on my passport and says “you sure are a busy guy.” But hey, what’s a little extra search on your way home? Maastricht was wonderful. Mr. Bean’s Holiday on the flight home was so terrible that I almost broke my “always …
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Things that start with M: More Radiohead + Maastricht
So it took me this long to actually listen to the new Radiohead CD since downloading it. Well, I started listening to it about a day ago and haven’t really stoppped since then. It’s excellent. So all I have to say is this: anyone who is complaining about the sound quality simply isn’t listening to …
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As I may have mentioned somewhere below, writing has been my most daunting task since becoming chair (to be fair, this was complicated in the summer by virtue of moving). Mostly it’s a time issue, but though it is also something of a concentration issue. To write well and creatively, one must forget (if momentarily) …
Surprise rule, part II
Okay, I know I’m probably the only person who reads this blog who likes anything approaching heavy metal (well, except for Carrie, except she doesn’t often read this blog). But hey, Steven always writes about TV even though half his readers don’t watch any, so I guess it’s fair play in blogland. Anyway:the best rock …
15 Minutes of Fame
…for one of my most important posts ever. At least I’m in good company.
Why have graduate students?
I often say that I went to graduate school to become a grad student, and not a professor. And that my goal as tenured prof is to approach the state of graduate-studentness as much as possible (minus, of course, the poverty and angst). It is fair to say that during my stint as department chair …