Not since I was an undergrad did I live in a place where I could actually walk to a really good dinner. Here, I can walk to amazing mole sauce. Thank you and good night.
Category Archives: Text
Accomplishing Things
Alright, the SSHRC is officially in the mail, and my Derrida editorial is up on the Bad Subjects website. The debate is all old news, but Bush sure sounds cranky. Things may be quiet for a few days as I make the final push on the tenure file. Stay tuned.
Sleep, Beautiful Sleep!
I figured out that this weekend, with Carrie’s dad and partner in town, I slept more than any three day period since moving to Canada. I really needed it, and actually the whole thing was quite relaxing, though I am trying not to think about all the stuff I have to do for myself and …
Excitement at Chateau Frontenac
Okay, so I just finished the third draft of my SSHRC application, incorporating comments from two grant officers and three colleagues. I think it’s very close, apart from the probably 1 million typos in it. Ah well. After I proof it out loud and impose on Carrie, Tuesday, it will go to the Research Grants …
It has come to my attention that the last few blog entries have been cranky. This is out of character and needs to stop. And so, I’ll just provide a poem for you tonight which sums up my feelings about the VP debate. In quantity of intelligence Bush competes with the weevil Cheney’s much smarter …
The End of 1700 years’ dominion
So the Globe and Mail today ran a story about how Canadian Christian leaders are worried that if Canada legalizes same-sex marriage, it will end the Church’s 1700 year domination of law in Western states. What a delightful proposition, don’t you think? Those churches will be left feeling marginalized by the state — a state …
Royalty is Silly
Sometimes it’s better to just come out and say things, don’t you think? Alternate title: “Governor General: What’s Up With That?” The Globe and Mail ran a story about the Canada’s Governor General today, which is apparently a vestigal position left over from when Canada was a proper British colony and all that. The Governor …