In today’s mail

came our permanent residency cards. We can now officially leave the country and return (as well as stay in it). Some facts of note:

–the card expires. In 2011. I don’t see anything about renewal though obviously that’s an option. But by 2011 we could be dual citizens. And Carrie will have tenure. And the sky will open and the sun will shine and birds will sing and harps will play gently in the distance. Oh wait, that’s something else.

–they give you a protective “pouch” for the card. But it raises the question: is a permanent resident card the kind of thing you carry around in your wallet, or is it the kind of thing you keep with your passport for when you travel? I have no idea which category this fits under.

–they sure do make you pour on the ugly sauce before they take your picture for these things. I look like a cross between a mad lumberjack and a serial killer.

–you only have to live in Canada about 60% of the time in a 5-year period to stay a permanent resident, but you must abide by the unspecified conditions of the Immigration and Refugee Protection Act. I’m going to have to look that up.

2 replies on “In today’s mail”

  1. Congratulations to both of you!

    And I do think you mean “raises the question,” not “begs the question.” Though you have tenure and can break all the rules of logic you want . . .

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