New Text +

“Out With the Trash: On the Future of New Media” in Charles Acland, ed., Residual Media, 16-31. Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press. It’s right next to another piece by Lisa Parks on high tech trash so you can get a nice double dose.

Links to my New York events next week: a seminar in Ethnomusicology and a talk at the Technologies of the Diva conference.

It’s been busy this spring, as promised — lots of working late nights, but I can’t complain. I had a wonderful time at SCMS (50-60 people at a sound studies panel — who knew?) and John Durham Peters has been at McGill all week. Oh, and it’s admissions season.

And now, a link to my favorite Baudrillard obit.

More soon.

6 replies on “New Text +”

  1. Apropros of nothing, what was your opinion on Barry Blesser’s book Spaces Speak?

  2. I wrote my thesis last year on how listening to music is an active, embodied process, using Nirvana’s In Utero as my focal example. Some of my source material for the project came from auditory culture studies, including Noise, Water, Meat by Douglas Kahn, I See a Voice by Jonathan Ree, and your book. (If you’re interested, I’d be happy to send you a .pdf copy.) I first heard of Spaces Speak when you posted about it, and it sounds like a fascinating project, but I was curious about your opinion before actually purchasing it.

    I probably should have provided more context in the initial comment–sorry about that!

  3. I really enjoyed the ‘deep hang’ at CU yesterday, & wanted to thank you for coming. (I’m the one delving off the pragmatic deep end of public policy with hopes of evaluating CBOs and music education in NYC). I’ve always been somewhat of a technophobe, until recently when I discovered the joys of composing with Reason. Anyway, thank you for a fresh perspective and for an infinitely helpful web guide for would-be academes. Rock on.

  4. Wow. A public thankyou. How sweet. Thanks for making it interesting. It was a blast.

  5. Chris: thanks for the reply and glad my work was helpful. It’s amusing that you heard about the book from me. No single book in my experience has had a heavier word of mouth marketing campaign. I can’t tell you how many times I’ve been “told about it” in one way or another. I guess now I’m part of that campaign myself, having let you know about it! Anyway, it’s on my reading list, I’m just slow with new material that I’m not immediately writing about.

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