First, the best thing I’ve read on The Chair is Karen Tongson’s piece. Go read it now if you haven’t. We finished The Chair last night and since every academic in my social media feed has a take, here are my hot takes. No spoilers. 1. I still think the most interesting campus drama would …
Author Archives: Jonathan Sterne
Mixed Pfeelings on the Pfizer Shot
So today I got the first Pfizer shot, and an appointment for the second one on my birthday in August. I’ll take it as a present. When I learned I was eligible Monday and called to make an appointment, it occasioned an actual adrenaline hit to my system. This morning, I woke up like a …
On Resistance to Better Academic Writing
A recent Facebook post by John Sloop asked why academic writing isn’t better–more creative, more varied, more polished. This has been on my mind lately, as I spent a month in March with the copyedits to Diminished Faculties. On one hand, the book is very intentionally academic. With A Political Phenomenology of Impairment as a …
Locked Down Reviews: Godzilla vs Kong
So for Carrie’s birthday we watched Kong vs Godzilla mainly (I think) because it is a movie I would agree to on no other night of the year. These are my observations. Some mild spoilers are involved. 1. CGI still sucks. I seem to prefer puppets (see: Yoda, baby.) 2. Since apes are closer to …
More Locked Down TV Reviews
It’s been a year. My god we’ve watched a lot of television. Here are some short reviews in no particular order. My taste barely makes sense to me, so your mileage may vary. Carrie won’t watch cringe comedy, so we have missed out on some stuff that other people really like. — Superman & Lois: …
Pot Beans, Or: Is this now also a food blog?
Because of the general shitness of internet recipe blogs, all food entries will begin with a link like this: I just want the damn recipe. So, about food. Among other things, my drugs have profoundly affected my diet. When we can start eating out again, I am going to be even less fun than before. …
Continue reading “Pot Beans, Or: Is this now also a food blog?”
Some good cancer news and hospital gossip
Just got the results of my CT scan yesterday, and there is no progression of disease–the spots are just hanging out in my lungs. That was the plan and it’s working. The tumour marker in my blood is also dropping. Also good news. I’ll be reducing my frequency of visits to once every six weeks–not …
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