Well, the parents arrive later this evening. I was hoping to pontificate on a wide range of matters, but that may now have to wait through a bit of a dry spell over the next week or so. I am totally going to try and get guest entries out of my parents, but no promises. …
Author Archives: Jonathan Sterne
DXing is not Dead, Not Even Close
This site comes courtesy of slashdot. I often tell my students that the best way to understand early radio is to think of it as ham radio. Which gets a lot of blank looks because nobody knows what that is anymore. — There’s so much more to tell — about other things. More soon.
Snow Use
The view out our back. Peaking out from under the snow is our grill, and believe me, the cats make think they want to go outside, but if we opened the door, it would be another matter. The first real snow of the season arrived, and like everywhere else, it’s a doozie. We spent a …
Stand Up for Accountability
Stephen Harper’s “Accountability” ad (click “Accountability” in the right hand column of the conservative site) looks like it was made during 9th grade Video Arts class. The conservative site also looks a bit amateurish. That is all. Good night.
So yes, it’s true that there have been four consecutive nights of parties and event to attend due to the end of the semester, even though it hasn’t quite ended for many people. That was exhausting. Like many of the students, my days have been spent writing. In my case, it was a short essay …
Slightly Disturbing
Barbie USB Drive, courtesy my friend Alice Crawford.
Party: First, a brief comment on last night’s departmental Christmas party. Usually, the phrase “departmental Christmas party” sounds like “office Christmas party” which is a particularly reviled genre of party. But this year, it was organized by the sparkling new Graduate Student Association and involved the rental of the basement of the Graduate Student Union, …