A Blog About Non-Blog Writing

It’s not like I haven’t been writing this semester. On the contrary, I have been writing constantly: grant applications, letters of recommendation, vision statements, lectures for two grad seminars (and more lectures — note to self: don’t ever again assume you can re-use old lectures from graduate seminars), the Derrida obit, endless small items for …

If You Want to Get Out of the US Before It’s Too Late

This just in, courtesy my new feminist radio research friend Sarah: http://www.marryanamerican.ca. It’s a noble cause. If things go, er, south next Tuesday, I expect to be getting a lot of calls from American friends about jobs at McGill. I will refer them here. And Greg D. points me to this tidbit from The Onion: …

Another Obit

British DJ John Peel, whose many “Peel Sessions” contain some of the best tracks by my favorite 70s and 80s bands, just died. He was a hugely important force on Radio 1, and a couple people have lamented to me that they think Radio 1 is doomed without him.

A Theory of Canadian-American Interpersonal Communication (1)

It’s more of a hypothesis, really. Anyway, the theory was developed after several drinks at a divey bar in Mile End sometime around 2am last night by three Americans and a guy from all over. It goes like this: Canadians, in general, will ask incredibly personal questions in a matter-of-fact way that will cause one …


I reported the existence of vegetarian haggis to Carrie, who at first made a face. Then she said “you only want to make it because you think it’s funny.” Then I showed her the recipes. Now she’s intrigued.