After over a two week wait, my drugs are finally here. So this is what that looks like: Next to my Lenvima in the picture above is a large container of loperamide (Immodium) that in my mind swells to the size of a barrel, and an anti-nausea drug. I have not been writing about the …
Author Archives: Jonathan Sterne
Let’s fight some more about the digital humanities!
Nan Z Da’s “Computational Case Against Computational Literary Studies” (CLS) in the latest Critical Inquiry has been making the rounds on my social media feed. It’s a thorough and inventive argument and I am impressed by its doggedness, cross-field erudition and commitment to its idea: she re-did studies, chased down data sets, and reconstructed analyses. …
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The Waiting Game
Well, I’m still not ON the drugs. I’d expected it this week (because last week the doctor told me to expect it this week). But when you are taking a relatively new, hard core cancer drug, there are papers to file and bureaucratic procedures. First, there’s insurance. I have insurance through Quebec, but private insurance …
Back in the cancer saddle
Headlines: I’m going on a new cancer drug. It’s called lenvatinib (the brand name is Lenvima). It’s meant to be permanent, but there are side effects, and they need to see which ones I get and how I’m affected. So I’m cancelling all my travel for the next 3 months (my hope/goal is to be …
Logic Functions Bonus Round for Synth Nerds
I learned about the XOR function, and pretty much everything I know about logic functions, from modular synthesis. Modular synthesis, like AI or any other media technology, works on a set of conventions ensconced in a set of standards. A modular synthesizer is basically an analog computer (this is a whole other post, which I …
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A Few Random Thoughts on the Politics of the Logic Functions
Burç Kostem pointed me me to this wonderful piece by Matteo Pasquinelli on the history of neural networks. In the middle, there’s a small historical detail that I never quite grasped before: In 1969 Marvin Minsky and Seymour Papert’s book, titled Perceptrons, attacked Rosenblatt’s neural network model by wrongly claiming that a Perceptron (although a simple …
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Dynamic range compression isn’t “the problem” with music
Writers like Milner and a music business that still focuses on Top 40 charts are. In a recent New York Times piece, Greg Milner argues that the “loudness wars” and “listener fatigue” are the reasons that music isn’t as good as it used to be. Here are some reasons why he’s wrong: Milner’s greatest offence is devaluating …
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