Fiddling While Rome Burns and other clichés

Let us descend for a moment into some rather exquisite gossip from the intellectual history of communication studies. Commenting on Herb Schiller, a scholar noted for his radicalism, James Carey said in a 2006 interview: …he was supremely bourgeois. When the troubles began in the 1960s, Herb couldn’t be bothered. He was home reading The …

Quebec National Day of Action

Politics in Quebec, Montreal and McGill are as hot as they’ve been since last September. We are in the midst of a general student strike against proposed tuition increases. Today is the national day of action, which is getting Canada-wide press coverage and deserves international coverage. I’m at a conference right now and haven’t been …

McGill Disability Awareness Week 12-16 March 2012

Perhaps it’s always been this way, but from my perspective it seems that the Office for Students with Disabilities at McGill has been expanding their mandate in productive ways. Where I used to think of them as a part of student services (which they most emphatically still are), they are getting more involved in promoting …

James Admin Occupation, Day 3: Should Student Government be Allowed to Govern Students?

I’m writing this from a hotel in California, so I can’t very easily tell you what’s going on inside James Admin. Luckily, you have other sources you can turn to for that. Instead, I want to focus on the issues that the occupiers are trying to highlight. Why is a group of independent students occupying …