This is a more personal post. And I’m sure I’m like the 100,000th person to make this point in a blog on the internet. I realize that what I am about to say is nothing compared to what my colleagues in MUNACA are dealing with. They are marching in circles for four hours a day …
Author Archives: Jonathan Sterne
A few days late, but another speech from the November 14th rally
This one from my friend Michelle Hartman –*– My name is Michelle Hartman, I teach in the Institute of Islamic Studies and I am a member of MFLAG. The last time I spoke out on an amplified system to you all, at another student organized teach-in, I linked the treatment of the striking workers from …
Continue reading “A few days late, but another speech from the November 14th rally”
What happens now
Sorry for the quiet here. Overwhelming week between stuff happening on campus and this thing called my job (which included some awesome out of town guests and the American Anthropological Association conference this week into this weekend). — I wish I had something more profound than “ugh, this again” to say about police violence spreading …
For the Power ReArrangers
I want to write about how great and emotionally powerful today’s protest was but since I had to leave once the general assembly started, I keep thinking about this picture instead. This image is taken from Appendix 2 of the FY2012 McGill Budget Book. It represents the organizational chart for McGill University. What you are …
Text of my speech from today’s amazing demonstration (pardon some of the odd punctuation–it’s for timing)
My name is Jonathan Sterne, I am a professor in Art History and Communication Studies and I am a member of MFLAG. First of all, I want to thank everyone who demonstrated for access to education in Quebec last Thursday. I stand with you, and I especially stand with those of you who were hurt, …
here’s an account of the occupation of James Admin . . . by the students who occupied it.
It directly refutes some of the principal’s claims.
Riot Police Aftermath: Day 1 Report
Yesterday students, faculty and administrators began to react to the police invasion of campus and their abuse of students, protesters and faculty. There is much to report and much to say. 1. Here’s a CBC story, with video. What they left out was that Greg Mikkelson did try to leave campus and was blocked from …