A week ago today, while in New York, Carrie and I wandered down to see what was happening at #occupywallstreet and then have a look at the 9/11 memorial. It was not a special day in the movement’s history–no failed attempts to take over the Brooklyn Bridge, no major unions marching down to join the …
Author Archives: Jonathan Sterne
Added to the blogroll
Ye Olde Blogrolle* is due for some serious maintenance, but in the meantime, here’s two new additions: http://dylanmulvin.com and http://caitlinmckinney.ca/ — * A friend told me that “Ye” was actually pronounced “the.” Go figure.
Phonautograph + Really?
First, the Cabinet event last night was amazing and a lot of fun. Also it is probably my first and only-lifetime appearance in Time Out. Sari Carel (my copanelist with curator Leah Abir), her partner Justin and I are talking about some kind of “Explore the Phonautograph” website once she’s done with her Semaphore Island …
I haven’t been blogging the strike as well as I should have been, but luckily MUNACA has been at http://munacastrike.wordpress.com. Highlights of the last couple weeks: solidarity groups have really come together. Although MFLAG’s website shows little action (that should change soon), the group has been furiously busy. There has also be a little administration …
A step toward improving peer reviews: sign them
Read the post over at Antenna, where Jonathan Gray has been running a work/school/life series.
Voice Lift Review: Or, Laryngology Phenomenology (not really, but it rhymes)
Well, I don’t really recommend the operation for a good time (graphic details below the line for the curious) but it certainly has had an effect on my voice. It sounds different and it’s easier to talk. I would definitely do it again. My friend Derek says that before my voice sounded like my old …
Continue reading “Voice Lift Review: Or, Laryngology Phenomenology (not really, but it rhymes)”
Voice Lift: Why I Shouldn’t Have Been So Critical of All The Plastic Surgery in Los Angeles
During our six weeks in LA, we saw a LOT of people who had plastic surgery. At least in the wealthier parts of town, it is part of the culture, and one can talk casually of having “work done.” For example, a friend of ours who is 50, newly single, and drop-dead gorgeous was asked …