Academic Freedom

I’m sure this has had a gazillion retweets, but I find it a pretty interesting reflection on academic freedom in the 60s. And I like Ohmann’s scholarship, too. The landscape certainly has changed today, but I find his point about the connection to new social movements particularly profound.


Carrie was out for a walk this afternoon with some of the other fellows. The street by the Center was closed off and Obama’s motorcade drove by on the way to Facebook. He’s apparently a commanding presence in real life, in a car, driving by. They waved to him, he waved back. I told her …


The American Anthropological Association meets next fall in Montreal. I’m excited to see some friends, and when some colleagues asked me to be on a panel, I agreed. Little did I know that the paper submission process involved a money grab by AAA, and that their conference registration system has no provision for participation from …

A lesson for the humanities from new music

This month’s issue of The Wire has a nice article on the Columbia-Princeton Electronic Music Center (including a wonderful description of the dilapidated condition of the original equipment). It was the first thing I’d read about Milton Babbitt in a long time, which led me to go find his infamous 1958 essay “Who Cares if …

Don’t we already have coalitions?

I have been following the coverage of the Canadian election with my usual-wish-I-could-vote interest. Everyone is so exercised about coalitions. But Canada’s a constitutional monarchy. It’s got a parliament. What exactly do you call it when no party wins a majority and then other parties vote with them to keep them in power? I think …