It’s quiet here but noisy in my head. I’ve eviscerated one chapter of my manuscript, which then collapsed under its own weight. And I’m trying to make the intro the best it can be. Intense. I have temporarily suspended my sabbatical “work no more than 40 hours in a week” rule to write a bit …
Author Archives: Jonathan Sterne
Blood on the floor
Several years ago I visited a large public university to give a talk. At the time my host (who will remain anonymous but some of my readers may guess who it is — I’m not telling) was serving as graduate program director and going through admissions decisions — which are always difficult. I ask him …
Embarrassing Man Stuff
I’ve now been shaving for 10 months, which means I have the skills of a 14-year-old or thereabouts. I’m still learning this whole thing. So I’m at the gym last week and shave after my shower. It was my first shave at the gym. I had my rig all set up, and a minute or …
Media Piracy Report and SSRC Theater
The SSRC just released a report on media piracy in emerging economies. I haven’t read it yet, so I can’t comment on the findings, but if you click the link, you’ll find an interesting discussion of the pricing structure as itself a demonstration of the arguments in the book. As an added part of that …
EMP Review
Last weekend I went to my first ever Experience Music Project conference. EMP has been hosting conferences for 10 years and this one was their first outside Seattle. There are plenty of twitter feeds for those interested in a blow-by-blow (including me coming out with a good 1-liner in the Q&A and then realizing that …
From Dots to Bits
A little mp3 book tidbit. Thanks to Tricia Soto, CASBS librarian, I finally got my hands on a dusty 1911 text I’ve been after (I originally found this pic on Wikipedia, but it’s now gone and the text that goes with it turns out to be priceless).
Left Behind
After they took out the trache, they left an emergency trache kit in my room. I was happy not to need it, and I wonder if it was even the right size. On the last couple trache-free nights it sat there, ready. I was happy to walk out of the room, the floor (the staff …