First Finches play guitar. Now the sun does: Explanation here.
Author Archives: Jonathan Sterne
Generic Update in Lieu of Something More Clever
I’m not sure why my big review is taking so long but it is. In the meantime, a more mundane general update. My voice continues to improve. I still don’t have the vocal power I once did and I noted that when visited by a friend who has attended lots of rock concerts that he …
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News + Spicy Foods Question
So, it seems that my voice is improving now by leaps and bounds. I attended seminar yesterday for the first time since the surgery and it was fun. As predicted, I was totally wiped out in the evening but that was hypothyroidism and not anything voice-related. Also, my friend Kembrew McLeod is giving a talk …
The Cost of (Getting Sick Under) Socialized Medicine
I wanted to start this line of posts with the observation that there is no more nationally-specific experience than getting sick. But that’s not necessarily true. In Canada, provinces manage their own healthcare, and when I show you some pictures of where I stayed, you will understand why Michael Moore picked a nice Ontario clinic …
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Healthcare and Taxes
Despite its obvious shortcomings, I have never questioned that Obama’s healthcare plan is a major step forward for the United States, since it takes a positive step toward moving American healthcare from a privilege to a right. This is exactly why I was horrified to see the new proposal by the Quebec government on provincial …
“The Day”
Things have been quiet here, so here’s the random blog update. I’m working on a big review of the two speech amplifiers I’ve tried out but that’s gotten a little involved. After the long winter, there is one day every year in Montreal where everyone pours out onto sidewalks, wears too little clothing and sits …
Playing Asteroids with my Neck
Despite the levity in the title and whatever other cheap laughs I can elicit in the upcoming lines, this is a deadly serious post about making impossible choices. You will recall that my doctors put the choice regarding the second surgery in my hands, which was not a decision I particularly wanted to have to …