Author Archives: Jonathan Sterne
Yes, the Conservatives are Still Conservative
There’s been a lot of talk in the press since Harper unveiled the Conservative budget and Ingatieff rolled over for him that the Conservatives are no longer conservatives because of their proposed lavish spending and deficits that will disappear through imaginary forces in just a few years. But the reality is that when it comes …
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testing 1234
sterneworks and superbon were the subjects of a malware attack. They appear to be back up. The files have all been cleaned and I changed all my passwords. If you still get some kind of scary google notice about malware, please send me an email.
Gentrification Map
Spacing Montréal has a map showing changes in rent between 1996 and 2006 (corrected for inflation). It’s fascinating, as is the link to a U of T study of gentrification. If I were a renter looking for a good deal, this would actually be very useful information. Of course that says nothing about property values …
There is actually a real food called chow-chow
Checking out alternative chili recipes we found a recipe calling for a chayote. Not knowing what it was, I went to wikipedia. The entry may have the best opening line of any wikipedia entry I’ve found: The chayote (Sechium edule), also known as sayote, tayota, choko, chocho, chow-chow, christophine or merliton, is an edible plant …
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Heavy Artillery Mittens
Yes, it’s cold here like everywhere north of the south, and when the weather is this cold, it appears to be actually interesting to talk about. I am fond of telling people that it got down to -40 when I interviewed for this job and I actually liked it. I stayed over the weekend and …
The End of Analog TV
Fagstein has an excellent post on the end of analog TV signals in the US, and the same fate that will fall upon Canadians in 2011. I say what I’m about to say as someone who enjoys watching my HDTV on a regular basis. The switchover from analog to digital TV is one of the …