. . . in a month where Wired pronounced blogging so over and several other bloggers wondered about the future of their blogs I said, well, a whole lot of nothing. It’s not for lack of words but for lack of time. As you’ll see in my next post, my stepdad passed away early in …
Author Archives: Jonathan Sterne
Interface Design: Not Canadian Grant Organizations’ Strong Suit
It’s fellowship season up here in Canada, and more and more of Canada’s granting agencies have moved to an all-online system for their grant applications. While I am in favor of using less paper and streamlining the application process, I do wonder why Canadian granting organizations have such categorically bad web design. Montreal is full …
Continue reading “Interface Design: Not Canadian Grant Organizations’ Strong Suit”
Academe site updated
It’s a couple months late, but with the help of a research assistant, I have updated the Academe section of my main site. It provides lots of professionalization advice for grad students and job seekers. If you have suggestions, please email me.
Two Debates
Last night we watched both debates with a stock in each. More than one Canadian joked to me about how boring the Canadian leaders’ debate would be, but it wasn’t that simple. We watched Biden-Pallin in real time. Each performed more or less as expected. When Palin couldn’t answer a question–which was often–she dodged. But …
Washington Mutual and “Too Big to Fail”
I first learned of Washington Mutual when our mortgage in Pittsburgh was sold to them in 2001 or so. We had originally signed with Cendant Mortgage (they had the best deal when we bought in 1999) and I remember some vague talk about the possibility of our mortgage being sold to another company. It didn’t …
OMG it’s back
Apologies for the disappearance. More host troubles. I’ve been unable to access the blog for about 10 days (php redirect loop). Sterneworks is still broken (I have much less understanding of textpattern, alas), but at least we’re live here again. I finally gave up on tech support and just put in the time to fix …
Chat Radioactif Part Deux
Part I is here. Yes, for the second time in our five Canadian years, we have a radioactive cat. Ya-Ya was diagnosed with hyperthyroid this summer, but we couldn’t get him in to the vet before we went to Australia. This would have been ideal for us, as we wouldn’t have had to live cat-free …