<b>4 May 2008</b>: sunny and warm. The first real day of summer for Carrie and I. We are in Washington DC, waiting for my parents to arrive in town. We see that there is a baseball game between our two old teams: The Washington Nationals (formerly the Montreal Expos) and the Pittsburgh Pirates. Accustomed to …
Author Archives: Jonathan Sterne
TA Strike — Finally Over
Wednesday afternoon the TA union officially called off their strike and authorized the bargaining committee to sign the contract. They did not accept the administration’s back to work protocol, but the protocol isn’t necessary for a return to work. <a href=”http://www.agsem-aeedem.ca/” target=”_blank”>Full details here.</a> Although I got a long letter from the provost last night, …
A Canadian DMCA
The Conservative government cleverly tabled Bill C-61 shortly after a massive and public apology to First Nations people over the horrific school system that attempted to forcibly assimilate generations of First Nations people. The press focused on the First Nations apology, as it should have. Canada’s history on matters of race is not pretty, and …
Analog vs. Digital (Part MCM)
The other night, <a href=”http://www.quadrantcrossing.org/blog/” target=”_blank”>Tobias</a> treated me to a demonstration of <a href=”http://www.native-instruments.com/index.php?id=traktorscratch” target=”_blank”>Traktor Scratch</a>, a digital DJ setup. Basically, it involves the usual two turntables and a mixer, plus a digital interface and a laptop. The DJ uses special records striped with timecode, special needles and a digital interface reads the timecode off …
Economic Stimulus Package
Americans who filed federal taxes got a $600 rebate this year. <a href=”http://www.slate.com/id/2192361/” target=”_blank”>As this article in Slate explains</a>, it is a spectacularly stupid idea; as most tax rebates are, it’s basically a form of bribery-by-borrowing. We filed in the U.S. but did not pay any taxes (Americans living abroad are required to file even …
Latest on TA Strike
I’m very pleased that both sides have reached agreement on a contract, though there are still ongoing talks about the back-to-work protocol.
Loggia, Year 2, Stage 1
Carrie planted a garden, or the closest thing to it, with flowers and herbs. <image src=”http://sterneworks.org/loggia1.jpg”> <image src=”http://sterneworks.org/loggia2.jpg”>