Weekends here are pretty quiet, which is actually kind of nice if you’re going to be trapped here. We had a couple visitors and the neighbors complained about the laughing (wasn’t mine–I’m inaudible). The latest news, though still unofficial, is that I will be home, with my neck sewn (back) shut, by a week from …
Category Archives: Cancer
Cancer Crawl Feb 20th
Well, it’s more like a slow amble up and down the hallways of the 18th floor of the General, back and forth. At least 4 times a day. Through the miracle of tethering, I have managed to get onto the internet with Carrie’s laptop and type something, and I am probably breaking a rule. Didn’t …
#4: Update on Jonathan
Jonathan has made great strides in the past two days — needing less and less pain meds, up and walking laps through the hospital hallways, and fully able to bathe himself and dress. He’s no longer on any IVs, and has had his feeding tube removed, which is a relief. Interestingly at Montreal General, you …
#3: Update on Jonathan
Jon got his own hospital room on Tuesday and is no longer a nomad in Montreal General Hospital. He’s becoming more and more self sufficient, and is going for walks down the hallways of the hospital–not running any races, mind you, but able to ambulate on his own. On Friday his surgeon extraordinaire, Dr. Richard …
Monday Night Update on Jonathan (Update #2)
Hello friends, family and colleagues: Thanks so much for all of the well wishes you have sent to Jon and I in the past few days. I wanted to write with a brief update to tell you how he’s been doing since his surgery Friday. Jon spent the weekend in the post-op recovery room, because …
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Update on Jonathan’s Surgery
Jonathan got out of surgery this afternoon at 4pm and is now resting in the recovery room at Montreal General Hospital. He’ll be in recovery tonight and will move to the ICU for the weekend. Following Jonathan’s lead, I too will tell you exactly how it is, without overwhelming you with too too much detail. …
Well, I’d planned to blog a whole lot more but the last couple weeks have been surprisingly busy, which is good, since it’s not much fun to contemplate the countdown to surgery. More musings, possibly deranged (but don’t get your hopes up), will be forthcoming when I get home from tomorrow’s surgery. Carrie will post …