The Most Canadian Thing Ever?

I arrive on campus this sunny afternoon to witness the spectacle of the first day of school. Undergraduates everywhere, corporations hawking their logos and free food, one sorry frat trying to get people to eat hot dogs. As I walk up the hill toward the Arts Building (which houses my office), I pass the giant …

High on Hot Chocolate–Fear and Excitement

I actually think I might be a little wired after consuming what is undoubtedly the best hot chocolate of my life (thank you Babette’s). Also my back is still cold from the rain falling on it while hailing a taxi. Anyway, tonight’s topic is how I am a supreme geek. Specifically, I am always struck …

So, you heard about the English, but how’s my French?

I’m learning how to put things in the past tense. Didn’t do too bad on this exercise, though my verbal translation was running at about 50%. Still, I can’t complain. Sorry it’s been so quiet here, I’ve been moving office this week and otherwise getting started up, especially with GPD responsibilities. Also shepherding people through …

Zee or Zed: A Different Kind of Language Politics

I am up early (mostly because I have to be in at 9 for the Big Office Move but also because of the sun) working on a revised document that explains dissertation proposals in Communication Studies. The old document has Canadian spellings. Now here’s the question: do I change them to American spellings? If not, …