Logic Functions Bonus Round for Synth Nerds

I learned about the XOR function, and pretty much everything I know about logic functions, from modular synthesis. Modular synthesis, like AI or any other media technology, works on a set of conventions ensconced in a set of standards. A modular synthesizer is basically an analog computer (this is a whole other post, which I …

A Few Random Thoughts on the Politics of the Logic Functions

Burç Kostem pointed me me to this wonderful piece by Matteo Pasquinelli on the history of neural networks. In the middle, there’s a small historical detail that I never quite grasped before: In 1969 Marvin Minsky and Seymour Papert’s book, titled Perceptrons, attacked Rosenblatt’s neural network model by wrongly claiming that a Perceptron (although a simple …

Dynamic range compression isn’t “the problem” with music

Writers like Milner and a music business that still focuses on Top 40 charts are. In a recent New York Times piece, Greg Milner argues that the “loudness wars” and “listener fatigue” are the reasons that music isn’t as good as it used to be. Here are some reasons why he’s wrong: Milner’s greatest offence is devaluating …

…and we’re back…

So that whole social media “platform” this was an interesting ride, wasn’t it? Turns out, nothing is ever free, the new captains of industry are as selfish and narrow minded as the old ones, and we are just the product. Oh wait, we knew that already: I submit that the materialist answer to the question — What …

August 3rd, 1980: Mezzotints

Today is the 35th anniversary of the French government issuing a stamp in honour of my uncle, Mario Avati. Mario was one of a few artists who reinvigorated the mezzotint in the 20th century. We have some framed first day covers hanging at home. Pardon my crap photography. More details on Mario here: http://rogallery.com/Avati_Mario/avati-biography.html and …